01245 459 906 Acting as an agent for Alfendo Ltd T/A JTA Travel
The Lion King is the story of a young lion struggling to accept the responsibilities of adulthood in a fantastic musical unlike anything you have ever seen before. The Serengeti comes to life as never before through the extraordinary vision that is The Lion King. Come and enter a unique three hour-long adventure where you will be transported into the heart of Africa. The Lion King is the story of a young lion struggling to accept the responsibilities of adulthood in a fantastic musical unlike anything you have ever seen before. The Serengeti comes to life as never before through the extraordinary vision that is The Lion King. Come and enter a unique three hour-long adventure where you will be transported into the heart of Africa.Highlights- Jaw-dropping display of African wildlife brought to the stage - See all your favourite characters from the original Disney production come to life - Seen by over 50 million people worldwide Now in its twelfth year in the West End, put forward for eight Olivier awards, winner of six Tonys on Broadway, as well as the Evening Standard’s Show of the Year Award, this show-stopper is still a sell-out. You'll get to see most of the famous characters from the original Disney production in a show that has been seen by over 50 million theatre goers worldwide. This award winning musical tells the classic journey of young royal heir Simba. Giraffes strut, birds swoop and gazelles leap in a dazzling panorama that overwhelms the senses and inspires you with the wonder of life. Your jaw will drop at the display of exotic African wildlife brought to life onstage. Intensely physical stage work and countless visual surprises will hold your attention from start to finish. A musical for the whole family, it is fun, the music is great and it is amazing to watch! This is The Lion King. Imagination untamed. Redeem informationVoucher type: PrintedPrinted Voucher. Print and bring the voucher to enjoy the activity. LocationStart point: Lyceum Theatre - Wellington Street - WC2E 7RQ - London - UKScheduleOpening datesTuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday, 19:30 - 22:50Wednesday/Saturday/Sunday, 14:30 - 17:50Duration: 170 MinutesRequirementsPhotography and filming are not allowed. Children over the age of 3 will be admitted, but they must be able to sit in their own seat quietly throughout the performance. If they become restless, they may be asked to leave the auditorium.RecommendationsThe Lion King is recommended for children aged 6 and over.
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01245 459 906